Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Windows Media Player

Officially Windows 7 will be launched with the next media player version 12.Till then no windows version or update will not contain windows media player version 12.But if you are a windows media player fan then you can download version 12 and run it on Windows Vista only.Its not available as a separate download but it had been extracted from Windows 7 builds and works on Vista.This does not work in XP but you are a geek u can modify it to run on xp.

You can download from here. Before installing this don't forget to creat restore point. So that if anything goes wrong u can access the previous setting like current version of Windows Media Player.

* Backup wmploc.dll from C:\Windows\System32
* Backup Windows Media Player folder from C:\Program Files
* copy wmploc.dll from downloaded files in C:\Windows\System32
* copy Windows Media Player folder from downloaded files to C:\Program Files

This has been taken from the Windows 7 build i.e. Windows Media Player 12.0.7000.7000 original files from Windows 7 Build 7000.

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